Tuesday 31 May 2016

Woman reacts to Septrin tablet in Katsina: Steven Johnson Syndrome

This is a condition known as Steven Johnson syndrome, an adverse drug reaction. Amina needs help please call the numbers below.. 

Stevens–Johnson syndrome is a type of epidermal necrolysis (skin cells die) which is very toxic in nature and as well a life-threatening skin condition where the cell deaths causes the epidermis layer to separate from the dermis. 
It is an hypersensitivity reaction that affect to both the skin and mucus membrane. 
- Disorder of the immune system. The immune reaction can be triggered by drug reaction example of drugs are lamotrigine (anticonvulsants used for epilepsy), antibiotics particularly sulpha-drugs such as sulphamethoxazole (septum used to treat cough infection), penicillin,  cefixime. 
Also SJ can be an adverse effect of drugs like vancomycin, Fluconazole, barbiturates, diclofenac, rarely paracetamol and ibuprofens etc.
- Some form of viral infections such as respiratory tract infections, pharyngitis, ortitis media, herpes simplex virus,  mumps, hepatitis and some bacteria and fungal infection. 
-  Cancers rarely.
- Usually occurs in people with HIV and systemic lupus erythematosus
- Fever on the first onset
- Sore throat
- Fatigue 
- Ulcers and lesions begin to appear in the mucus membrane mouth lips genitals and anal regions
- Loss of appetite due to sore pains in the mouth
- Conjunctivitis 
- Rashes on the face trunk arms legs and feet
Mucosal desquamation in a person with Stevens–Johnson syndrome

Conjunctivitis (inflammation of eye and eyelid) in SJS

- Initial treatment as in thermal burns.
- supportive care e.g. Intravenous fluids and nasogastric or parenteral feeding. 
- Symptomatic treatment e.g.analgesic for pain
- Maintaining a warm environment , intravenous analgesic topical pain anaesthetics and antiseptics 
- Ophthalmologist consultation 
SJS (with less than 10% of body surface area involved) has a mortality rate of around 5%.
Other outcomes include organ damage/failure, cornea scratching, and blindness.

Thank you. 


1 comment:

  1. Probably caused by an overdose of chocolate thunder!
