Improve Quality Of Life With These 10 Simple Habits

Daily hustle and stressful living has become a normal part of most people and this has reduced the quality of living.
Stress, bad lifestyle habits and more adopted as normal over time are usually reasons for high blood pressure, obesity, burnouts all of which can be curtailed before they degenerate into heart problems amongst other health issues and eventually (untimely) death.
Everyday living from working, thinking, economic situations, relationships take its toll on the overall wellbeing and when a conscious attempt to ignore all these factors to focus on quality living isn't in place then there might be issues.
There are simple lifestyle habits  that can help improve the quality of life, check out these 10:

1. Switch off your gadgets
It's important to once in a while shut out/silence the noise. Turn off loud music, take a break from your phone (emails, texts, chats, voice calls) to refresh and gain sanity.

2. Use the loo everyday
Strive to use the loo every morning especially just before taking a bath, this ensures your colon is clear and clean of waste which is refreshing.

3. Dry brush your skin toward the heart, starting at the feet and hands and brushing towards the chest just before showering once in a while, this helps aid blood circulation all over the body (while leaving your skin fresh, clean and exfoliated!)

4. Take a daily vitamin
If you work a stressful '9-5' everyday, supplement with vitamins everyday. Get your doctor to help with a prescription that works for you to help boost energy level as well as replenish the whole system.

5. Sit up straight
Sitting up straight especially if you work long hours sitting in a place is a great way to keep a great posture. Sit upright on a firm chair with feet firmly on the ground. This also helps to keep blood flowing without issues.

6. Drink water first thing in the morning
Down a glass of clean water every morning to cleanse the entire system, it's also a great way to kickstart the day healthy.

7. Take a time out/quiet time during the day
Take a time out every day to 're-focus'. If you have to stay away from a noisy office, friends etc to get into a zone where you can hear yourself think, do just that. This refreshes the mind and the whole system. You'd be much more effective afterwards.

8. Listen to calming music
Replace the loud music on your play list with calm, soothing music once in a while to keep the tensed nerves calm

9. Breathe....
Take a timeout often to exhale deeply. Take a deep breath and exhale (leaving the baggage of work, friends etc to focus on yourself at the present moment)

10. Treat yourself
Once in a while take yourself out, splurge on yourself, go to the spa, treat yourself to a nice dinner, movie and generally do what makes you happy, you deserve it (no matter what your bank account/situation says!).

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